EQ Foundation

Take-off for Green Match Fund

The EQ Foundation is proud to be a Pine Champion for the latest Green Match Fund organised by The Big Give. From April 22nd-29th all donations to the fund will be doubled. EQ is providing matching for the following highly effective charities:

Action for Conservation educates school children about environmental issues and is seeking funding for its Youth Environment ambassador Programme.

Blue Marine Foundation is at the forefront of initiatives to restores the oceans to health and will be raising funds. They are raising funds for their project in the Solent to help restore seagrass, saltmarsh and oysters in this environment.

Hubbub Foundation will be raising funds for Food Connect – a zero carbon food distribution service in Southwark & Milton Keynes.

Rainforest Trust UK is aiming to protect 80,000 acres of swamp forest in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Donations to this fund will actually be quadrupled, due to the generosity of another RFT supporter!

Solar Aid helps to establish enduring distribution of solar powered lights for people in Africa, helping to transform quality of life and reduce carbon emissions.

The Sustainable Food Trust is raising awareness and improving understanding amongst the public, food producers and key influencers, about the central components of sustainable, healthy food systems and diets, so that more informed choices can be made about what to eat and how to farm.

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