EQ Foundation

External Resources

Giving is driven by intensely personal attitudes. In the digital age are blessed with access to vast amounts of information that can allow us to personalise our giving activities to suit our individual preferences.

On this page we list some of the resources that we have found helpful


The Centre for Effective Altruism
CEA is a registered UK charity founded by Will McAskill and others to help disseminate the ideas expounded in his excellent book (see below).

Financial Tracking Service – provides data on the current state of funding of international humanitarian projects.

Givewell – US site with short list of charities mainly in the developing world with evidence of impact.

Giving what you can – community of mainly US donors undertaking to give away at least 10% of their wealth.

The Life you can save – Peter Singer’s (see book & TED talk below) website with recommendations for charities with effective programmes.


Doing Good Better: Effective Altruism and a Radical New Way to Make a Difference, by William Macaskill

It Ain’t What You Give, It’s The Way That You Give It, by Caroline Fiennes

The Most Good You Can Do: How Effective Altruism is Changing Ideas About Living Ethically, by Peter Singer

TED Talks

The why and how of effective altruism by Peter Singer

Giving away our wealth has been the best thing we’ve done by Bill & Melinda Gates

Advice for Donors

Charities Aid Foundation – the major provider of charity accounts in the UK

The Big Give – the experts on matched giving but they can also help donors search for effective charities.

The Funding Network – hold regular group meetings at which three small charities pitch for funding. Founded by Fred Mulder CBE

The Giving Department – founded by Steve Wickham, acts as several family offices, major grant makers and corporates

Philanthropy impact – Guide to Giving – lots of useful content for donors plus personalised advice if required.


Matchmaking websites for volunteers

Reach volunteering:
UK based site that connects people with at least 3 years professional experience.

Volunteer match:
Site that facilitates micro volunteering.

Universal Giving:
The site to use if you want to travel and volunteer overseas.

Impact analysis

Driving Impact by Impetus Private Equity Foundation

What makes a good charity? by New Philanthropy Capital

Center for Theory of Change – explanation about theory of change.

Please note that we are not currently accepting unsolicited applications for funding as we are concentrating on our existing relationships.

About us

EQ Foundation is a registered charitable institution that has donated over £2,000,000 since 2015 to carefully selected charities and social enterprises. It has also developed two innovative initiatives to help donors discover the most effective charities.

Giving is Great is a free access database of all UK charities with sophisticated analytics to help identify the most effective.

Tythe is a donations platform that makes it simple to make regular donations to a curated list of environmental charities.

See below for further information and details of our grants can be found here

Giving is Great is a website dedicated to making it simpler to identify highly effective charities. In our experience, most people give money reactively, in response to an 'ask' and never really feel comfortable with their decision. So we've looked at some of the principles that work when selecting investments to provide a basis for making better selections. Try it now.

Tythe is a donation platform that allows people to make modest sized, regular donations to a fund of climate action charities that we have analysed and found to be effective. Subscribers benefit from monthly updates on key developments from the charities and are shielded from requests to donate more. Further details here

Ukraine Fund

We have created a fund of highly respected charities that are active within Ukraine but do not benefit from the DEC Appeal. This fund is available for donations via Tythe and initially all donations (up to £1,000 each) will be matched 100% by The EQ Foundation. Further details....

Our Impact

Download our latest impact report and financial statements to see which themes attract us and our impact so far.

EQ Foundation Annual Report

Improve your Giving

Our free guide to making your giving great

  • Essential principles
  • Common misconceptions
  • Make full use of tax incentives

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